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Iron deficiency and diet: our advice for maintaining normal blood iron levels

It is always important to pay the right attention to what we eat. Unfortunately, in some cases, our daily routine does not help us in following an adequate and balanced diet. A hectic life, dictated by rigid work regimes, leaves little time to dedicate to healthy habits, including eating. However, have we ever thought that an inadequate diet could lead to a low intake of iron for our body?

Often, the most common mistake is an inadequate balance of macro- and micronutrients consumed through diet. A diet that privileges only some at the expense of others could lead to a number of disorders related to deficiencies or an increased need for certain nutrients on the long term.

A varied and balanced diet, on the contrary, includes all the essential nutrients for our body, promoting its normal state of health. Amongst these nutrients, iron should of course also be considered, which is essential for the normal formation of haemoglobin and red blood cells and for the normal transport of oxygen in the blood.


Iron is present in both animal- and plant-based foods. However, the bioavailability of iron in vegetables, legumes and grains is lower than that of the iron contained in meat.

The most iron-rich foods include the following:
  • Spleen
  • Liver
  • Horse meat
  • Beef and veal
  • Egg (yolk)
  • Fish (tuna, snapper, mackerel, sardine, anchovy)
  • Green leafy vegetables (endive, lettuce, spinach)
  • Nuts
  • Oat flakes
  • Dried beans


A healthy and balanced diet is an excellent starting point for maintaining normal blood iron levels. However, certain physiological conditions of particular interest to women  (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstrual cycle) may lead to increased body iron requirements. Iron is also important for growth and correct physical and cognitive development of children. Therefore, during childhood and adolescence, it is important to periodically monitor iron levels. The use of an iron-based dietary supplement, in combination with a balanced diet, may be useful in case of deficiency or increased needs for this nutrient. The SiderAL® range of nutritional supplements is designed to offer iron supplements in case of deficiency or increased needs for this nutrient.

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The technology that guarantees the best absorption of Iron.

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